Areola Pigmentation

Lana is dedicated to bringing confidence and self esteem to Mastectomy patients. It truly warms her heart that she can change people’s lives. Her 3D Areola Pigmentation Tattoos are special because it creates a realistic look as it looks like the real areola.

Areola repigmentation is a specialty area of tattooing that requires advanced experience as well as technique. This procedure helps improve the appearance and self-esteem of both women and men who have undergone breast surgery. Areola repigmentation techniques can “create” an areola after breast reconstruction, minimize the appearance of scars, or restore an areola to a more natural-looking color and shape. Areola repigmentation may also be called areola tattooing, areola micropigmentation, areola pigmentation, areola recoloring or areola simulation. Also, individuals who have not had breast surgery, but are self-conscious about their areola color or size (too light or too small) may choose this procedure to adjust their appearance.